Changing the Network Port

Changing the Network Port

Changing the Network Port

Applies to:

Image Server 2000, MAXX series SD servers


The main Ethernet port is not accessible.

Possible Reason(s): 

In some cases, the Ethernet cable is bad or the IP address information entered in the main configuration screen is incorrect.

In the event that the above has been confirmed good, it may also be that the Ethernet port on the system motherboard has failed.   The entire motherboard would require replacement.


Replace the system motherboard.

Alternatively, to switch the usable network port to port 2:

  1. Turn off Numlock
  2. Open a terminal window using Control+Shift+F12

Type the following commands:

(If the prompt does not show /data, then type cd /data [Enter])


echo ‘ifconfig $1 $2 $3’ > playxsvf [Enter]

  chmod +x playxsvf [Enter]

  sudo cp playxsvf /bin [Enter]

  ifconfig Enter (this displays what NIC is being used; normally this is eth0, the following assumes this…)

sudo playxsvf eth0 down [Enter]

  sudo playxsvf eth1 <(Replace this IP address with your ImageServer IP address.) [Enter]

Plug the Ethernet cable into other jack.

NOTE: This procedure is temporary and will not survive a system reboot.  If the system is rebooted, this procedure must be done again.